AIPEA – International Organization for the Study of Clays and Clay Minerals Legal information, conferences on clay minerals, publication of regular reports on the work of AIPEA and much more.
Since 2010, AIPEA has started publishing an educational series of books — Interstratified Clay Minerals Origin, Characterization & Geochemical SignificanceAIPEA Educational Series — Publication No.1Editors:
Saverio Fiore, Javier Cuadros & F. Javier HuertasLectures held at the
1st AIPEA School for Young Scientists
University of Bari, Italy, June 12-13, 2009
Digilabs Pub., Bari, Italy — pp. 175
ISBN: 978-88-7522-097-6
The book is an overview and update on the main issues related to interstratified (or mixed-layer) clay minerals, with a clear educational scope. It is accessible to students, providing the basics and the latest information on the several topics and including key literature references.
Introduction to Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals (J. Cuadros, S. Fiore and F.J. Huertas)
Crystal-Chemistry of Mixed-Layer Clays (J. Cuadros)
Identification and Characterization of Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals by means of XRD of Oriented Clay Mounts (A. Plançon)
Formation Mechanisms of Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals (A. Meunier)
Identification and Characterization with Microscopic Methods (F. Nieto and X. Arroyo)
Identification and Characterization of Interstratified Clay Minerals with Spectroscopic and other Classical Methods (P. Komadel and J. Madejová)
Interstratified Clay Minerals in the Weathering Environment (R.E. Ferrell, Jr., P. Aparicio and J. Forsman)
Evolution of Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals in Prograde Alteration Systems (Jan Srodon) Стоимость – 30 евро + стоимость пересылки.
CMS – Clay Minerals Society – Information about the goals and objectives of the society, coordinates of leading specialists in the study of clay minerals, reports on annual ClayMineralsSocierty conferences, data on reference samples of clays with the possibility of their acquisition, grants for young scientists and students, and much, much more!
Archive of one of the leading journals on clay minerals – Claysandclayminerals, 2001 — Books published under the auspices of CMS, delivery within a month. The list is in a separate file.
«CollaborativeComputationalProjectNo. 14)» — programs for processing various types of X-ray experiments and much, much more — International Union if Crystallography — Database of mineral structures, including clay — XRD database available in Russian — Magazine American Mineralogist — The abstract is available online on the website, the archive is available in full-text mode until 1995.