Saint Petersburg, September 11-15, 2013 — Saint Petersburg, September 11-15, 2013 Analytical review of the event The international conference "Clays, clay minerals and layered materials - Clays, claymineralsandlayeredmaterials - CMLM2013" brought together about 185 people from Russia and more than 35 countries of the world, 130 people took part in the presentations, including 55 young scientists and specialists.
The conference is devoted to a wide range of scientific problems in the field of studying clays, clay minerals and layered materials. The main objectives of the Second International Conference CMLM2013 are to combine the achievements of Russian researchers, contributing to the organization of new scientific groups and projects with the participation of foreign scientists; significantly increase the level of knowledge of young professionals by attracting domestic and foreign highly qualified specialists to participate in the conference; focusing on world experience to promote the development of new case studies in Russia. An important aspect of the conference is to attract businesses interested in the development of science-intensive technologies based on knowledge about the composition, structure and properties of clay minerals and layered materials. At the moment there is a big gap between the industrial sphere and fundamental science. The round tables planned within the framework of the conference were aimed at bringing together scientific teams and industrial companies and searching for common interests, which will allow orienting scientific developments in the field of clay mineralogy towards applied and innovative tasks and discussing problems, the solution of which is still relevant for a number of industries in Russia.
Within the framework of the conference, a meeting of Russian participants was held, during which the Honorary Chairman of the Russian Group on Clay Minerals, V.A. Drits and Chairman of the Russian Group on Clay Minerals - V.V. Krupskaya. The Group is a part of the International Association for the Study of Clays and Clay Minerals - AIPEA ( Alekseeva. In 2011, during the First Russian Meeting, the Council of the Group was elected, and now, in 2013, the leaders were elected, which is important for closer integration of Russian scientists into the international community and the development of international cooperation and joint scientific projects.
The conference consisted of a plenary session, 5 scientific sections and three special scientific symposiums. The meetings were held in four halls with the support of three scientific and educational institutions. Plenary sessions, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies of the conference, were held at the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Universitetskaya nab., d 5), sectional meetings were held in the Small Hall of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Universitetskaya nab., d 5), Petrovsky Hall of St. Petersburg State University (7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment), Hall of the Academic Council of the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGGD RAS, Makarova Embankment, 2).
In general, it should be noted the high level of reports of all Russian colleagues, which in the vast majority of cases are not inferior to the level of foreign scientists and in some cases significantly exceed. The studies were carried out using modern instruments, sample preparation methods and mathematical data processing. The average level of presentations by Russian participants has increased significantly compared to the previous CMLM2009 conference. It can be noted that the number of young scientists, including graduate students and students, and scientists under 40 years of age exceeds the number, which gives hope for the development of the field of science in the study of clay minerals and layered materials in the future. 95% of the studies reported by the Russian participants were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant topics correspond to the topics of the reports.
The scientific program consisted of five scientific sections and special symposiumsю
Plenary reports: Cervini-Silva J.: Underpinning interactions at the interface of clay, clay minerals, and nano-sized organo-metallic spheres relevant to health applications & protecting ancient human remains.
Derkowski A., Drits V. A. and McCarty D. K.: Dehydroxylation and rehydroxylation of dioctahedral 2:1 minerals
Haberlah D.: Spatial clay mineralogy in Natural Resources: concepts, applications, and Latest advances
Hawthorne F. C., Uvarova Y. A. and Sokolova E.: Sheet-silicate Minerals: Connectivity and Structural Templating
Kogure T.: Real structures of clay minerals revealed by HRTEM
Komadel P., Pentrák M., Madejová J., Hronský V. and Uhlík P.: Smectites in contact with acids
Krivovichev S. V.: Structural complexity of layered materials
Lanson B.: Crystal chemistry of defective lamellar structures: Implications for environmental and applied issues
McCarty D. K.: Structural composition relationships in illite-smectite and other clay minerals
Wilson M. J.: The nature and origin of soil clay minerals with emphasis on the role of geological parent material; a broad overview.
Scientific sections: Section S1 – Structure, Composition and Crystal Chemistry
Section S2 – Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry, soils and sediments
Section S3 – Physical and Chemical Properties of Clay Minerals and Layered Materials
Section S4 – Industrial applications of clays and layered materials
Section S5 – Environment and Health, Archaeology and Art
Special symposia: SS1 – Clays in Oil and Gas Industry
SS2 – Clays in Earth-life evolution
SS3 – Chemical modification of clays for research and industrial applications
Summing up the overall presentations heard at the oral and poster sections, it is worth noting the high level of work of Russian scientists, the activity of the young generation of scientists and the large number of representatives of Russian scientific youth who were able to take part in the conference. All plenary reports were made by world-famous scientists, recognized and respected by the world community, who made a significant contribution to the development of the science of clay minerals. I would like to hope that the Third International Conference "Clays, Clay Minerals and Layered Materials" served as a kind of bridge to the future and allowed senior colleagues to share their experience, and young people to receive an invaluable store of knowledge and experience that is currently accumulated in the world in the field of studying clay minerals. and layered minerals. It is also worth noting that the number of participants from the Russian Academy of Sciences far exceeded the number of Russian specialists from universities and research institutes of departmental affiliation, which indicates that the study of the structure and properties of clay minerals, modeling of geological changes is carried out to a greater extent in academic institutions. At the same time, the science of layered materials is more concentrated in universities than in academic institutions.
It is also worth noting the influence of the RFBR on the development of the direction, because about 90-95% of Russian research on the subject was done with the support of the Foundation.
At the working meeting of the Russian group on clay minerals, it was decided to hold the next Fourth CMLM2017 also in Russia in 2017, and the Third Russian meeting of "CLAY", dedicated to all issues of the study and use of clays and clay minerals in 2 years - in 2015.
Deputy Chairman of CMLM2013
V.V. Krupskaya
(Chairman of the Russian Clay Minerals Group since 2013)
Proceedings of the Third International Conference "Clays, Clay Minerals and Layered Materials" -CMLM2013 can be downloaded