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Статья посвящена изучению геологического строения месторождения, минерального состава, генезиса и промышленных свойств бентонитов.
Уникальность данного месторождения заключается в том, что несмотря на столь древний возраст, бентониты не потеряли способность к набуханию и не подверглись значительной иллитизации. Показано, что специфические условия образования и влияние начальной стадии метаморфизма обусловило специфические текстурные и поверхностные свойства бентонитов.
P. Belousov, N. Chupalenkov, G.E. Christidis, O. Dorzhieva, S. Zakusin, I. Morozov, M. Chernov, T. Zaitseva, E. Tyupina, V. Krupskaya. Carboniferous bentonites from 10th Khutor deposit (Russia): composition, properties and features of genesis. Applied Clay Science. 2021, 2015, 1-14.
Abstract: This article studies the geological structure, mineralogical composition, genesis and industrial properties of bentonite of the 10th Khutor deposit (Republic of Khakassia, Russia). The deposit is confined to the coal-bearing formation of Carboniferous age and is one of the main sources of bentonite for the metallurgical and foundry industries in Russia. The samples were collected during several field seasons and were studied with XRD, SEM, DTA, XRF, FTIR, BET and CEC analysis. The deposit consists of 6 productive layers with montmorillonite of alkaline-earth type varying in content from 38 to 72%. The formation of bentonites is associated with the alteration of volcanic ash of rhyodacite and dacite composition in zones of shallow sea water - bays and lagoons. The specific conditions of the formation, like an evaporitic depositional environment with high concentrations of soluble salts and burial diagenesis, as evidenced by seams and packs of hard coal, affected the textural and surface properties of the bentonite and caused the observed low microporosity and limited illitization.
Keywords: bentonite, montmorillonite, genesis, volcano-sedimentary rocks, diagenetic alteration, volcanic glass.